Friday, November 9, 2018, 00:23

The Giving Tree at St. Mary’s will go up on the weekend of November 17th and November 18th. Many parishioners ask that the tags are up prior to Black Friday. This year we will be supporting Wyalusing Area School District families, the Helping Hands Food Pantry and the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center (with kids for kids tags). In an effort to try to keep all gifts for each member of the family equal, we ask that you just fulfill the request on the given tag. Please wrap your gift and put the tag on the outside of the gift, and please return to St. Mary’s by December 8th and 9th. If you would like someone from Ministry of Mercy to help you shop for gifts, donations would be gratefully accepted. Please see Leona Fitzgerald (570-746-3076) or Marilyn Burke (570-746-1280).
St. Joachim We will again be participating in the Wyoming County Christmas Bureau Giving Tree Program. The tree will be up with tags asking for Christmas gifts for needy children in Wyomingtreejoyeux County on the weekend of November 18. Please take a tag and record your name, and phone number next to that tag number in the notebook provided, Please have the wrapped gift with the tag on it back to the church no later than December 16. If you have any questions, please contact Ann Noldy at 570-869-2473 or 570-905-0548.