Mass Intentions Fourth Week of Lent

Monday March 23
Repose of the Souls of Dominic and Katherine Kinsley,
The Late Theresa K. Huffman

Tuesday March 24
Repose of the Souls of Melbourne and Theresa K. Huffman
The Late Theresa K. Huffman

Wednesday March 25
Repose of the Souls of Dominic and Katherine Kinsley
The Late Theresa K. Huffman

Thursday March 26
Repose of the Soul of Mary Anna Dobrosielski
McCarthy and Brogenski Families

Friday March 27
Repose of the Soul of Collin Burton
Marilyn Burton

Saturday March 28
Repose of the Soul of Molly O’Neil
Dorothy Stoddard and Family

Sunday March 29 Fifth Sunday of Lent
Repose of the Soul of Richard Vosik
Ron and Linda Kahler
