The Giving Trees will be up next weekend. We will be helping three local families this year. If you are able to help this year, please take a tag from the tree, buy and wrap the gift and return it to the church by December 10th.
Also, we will again be supporting the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center. The Center is asking for new toys, games, or books for all ages, as they have their clients shop for their families by using their earned “baby bucks” to purchase for their children. The Center is also asking for warm pajamas and the sizes will be listed on tags on the Giving Tree. These gifts are to be unwrapped and returned to the church or to the office by December 1st.
If you are unable to shop and would like to donate, please put your donation in an envelope marked “Giving Tree” and drop it in the collection basket or see Rose Repsher, Lou Ann Kilmer, Patti Ambs or Marilyn Burke.
Thank you for again supporting all the little ones and making their Christmases brighter this year.