Membership Requirements

Membership Requirements

The Parish Pastoral Council serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor. Its mission is to be the “vision” of the parish in setting long term goals and objectives that enhance parish life. In the process it uses the model of “Servant Leadership” evangelization as outlined in Bishop Joseph Bambera’s pastoral letter “Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered” to address the four areas of Community, Service, Word, and Worship. Council consists of 12 members composed of 6 appointed members from each worship site, two ex officio members who represent the Building and Grounds Committee and the pastor. New members are appointed for a three year term by the pastor from nomination forms submitted by parishioners from April 1 through May 30. New members are welcomed in July at an organizational meeting which begins a three year term that may be extended for a second term if desired. Vacancies are filled by appointment using the same nomination process. Nominees must:

  • be 18 years of age
  • a registered member of the parish
  • have received the sacraments of initiation
  • regularly attend parish liturgies
  • attend bi-monthly meetings
  • willing to participate in the life and ministry of the parish.

Nomination forms are available at the entrance of each church, from any member of council, or by calling the parish office. They may be taken or mailed to the parish office, placed in an envelope marked “Pastoral Council” and dropped into the collection basket, or given to a council member. You may express interest in membership by completing a nomination form for yourself or another member of the parish. It is recommended that you personally speak with a nominee to determine interest in the position before submitting the form..

Qualities of a Pastoral Council Member

  • Shares enthusiasm for the future of our parish
  • Strives to achieve goals of the pastoral plan
  • Contributes to team efforts
  • Able to attend bi-monthly meetings of prayer and reflection
  • Listens to new and different ideas for growth of parish
  • Able to accept a general consensus in decision making process
  • Strives to complete commitments and/or delegate when necessary
  • Willing to be a member of a sub-committee to achieve goals
  • Able to express ideas to enhance liturgical celebrations
  • Inspires others
  • Articulates ideas for evangelization
  • Recognizes importance of the domestic church
