Religious education classes will begin September 15.  Classes at St. Joachim’s will start after Mass on Sundays at 10am in the education building.  Classes at St. Mary’s will start before Sunday Mass at 9:30am in the Parish hall.  All CCD students are required to complete a registration form each year.  Hard copies will be made available in both churches.  Please return registration forms to the Parish office (Attn: Robyn Kennedy) or put the form in an envelope addressed to Robyn’s attention and place in the collection basket by September 15.  Please consider financially supporting our program with the yellow Religious Education envelope dated September 8 in membership boxes.  Any questions, please contact Robyn Kennedy through the Parish office. Download a printable CCD Registration form here.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHERS NEEDED Do you like working with children?  Would you like to share your talents teaching our CCD students?  St. Mary’s and St. Joachim’s churches are looking for teachers to share their gifts with our youth on Sunday mornings beginning in September.  Classes typically conclude the end of April with no classes being held on major holiday weekends.  We encourage you to consider giving your time even on a part time or as needed basis!  Assistance for all paperwork will be handled by Robyn Kennedy. Please contact Robyn at 717-385-2985 or any CCD instructor for further information.
