Several years ago our parish set up
a Parish Education Fund within the
Ministry of Mercy account. The
purpose of this fund is assist Parish
children in attending Catholic
schools, K-12th grade. By easing the
financial burden, we hope to convince
more parents to choose a Catholic education for their children. Guidelines: Applicants must be registered members of the Parish for at least 12 months prior to application. At least one parent must be a baptized and regularly practicing Catholic with our Parish. The maximum contributed by the Parish would be $2,000 per student or 100% of the cost of St Agnes whichever is less. Specific financial need is not necessary. If there is financial need, the family is encouraged to apply to the school and the Diocese first and then use the Parish fund to make up the difference up to 100% or $2,000. The committee will review and recommend applications to Father, who must grant final approval before funds are granted to the students family. The Parish office has copies of financial aid applications from the Diocese and St Agnes. The deadlines to apply to the Diocese is April 17th . Since St Agnes is the only Catholic school near our Parish, we presume that the students would go there. The cost is approximately $ 5,100 per year. If you have any questions please call the Parish office or Kim Homer