Please pray for those entrusted in our prayers for healing

Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the Sick, we ask that You restore Your servants to health again.  Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen.

Glenn Layaou, Jr., Parishioner’s friend, Linda Abrams, Baby Bennett, Tolise Otis, Bob Franko, Ivette Gonzalez, Richard Bennett, Ginny Amoroso, William Walter, Jr., Chuck Bullock, Joan Abrey, Donna Elchin, Kelly Kulsicavage, Joe Friery, Joyce Hussong, Irene McMahon, Grace George, Marian Miller, Fred Storey, Stephanie McDevitt, Barbara Bodine, Cathy Stienbaugh, Sue Mullen, Mary Salay, Robert Gaumer, Silver Dempsey, Jean Caine, James Perella, Paul & Sandra McIntyre, Keensley Middlecamp, Carmel Buneo, Tina Clapper

Please call the office or Father Jose if there are sick, hospitalized, homebound or any changes to the list above. Thank you!
