Baby Bottle Campaign


  We are grateful to the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center for their support of LIFE.  If you can help this yea with the baby bottle campaign, please take a baby bottle, and please add change, cash or a check.  Baby bottles should be returned to church by Sunday, February 24th Thank you for supporting the Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center and for supporting the wee-little ones and their mommies.  From their website:  “The Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center (EMPCC) exists for the purpose of providing free and confidential support – physical, emotional, and spiritual – to individuals involved in pregnancy, while always giving witness to the love of Jesus Christ.  We envision a future where EMPCC is recognized as the resource where life is promoted, parents are equipped, and families are strengthened in Bradford, Sullivan and Tioga counties.”  For further information about the EMPCC, please see their website:


Catholic Social Services

516 Fig Street

Scranton, PA 18505

(570) 207-2283

The Diocese of Scranton offers compassionate counseling in a safe, comfortable environment where your privacy is always respected.  Counseling is about self-discovery and can be used for personal growth or when distressing conditions exist and you need a bit of extra support. Help is available.  Anyone who struggles with anxiety, depression, grief and loss, life transitions or a variety of emotional or psychological conditions is welcome. Catholic Social Services accepts Medicaid plans and some insurance plans.  Counseling is made affordable for everyone.  For more information or to make an appointment, call (570) 207-2283.

La Diócesis de Scranton ofrece consejería compasiva en un ambiente seguro y cómodo donde siempre se respeta su privacidad. La consejería se trata de autodescubrimiento y puede usarse para el crecimiento personal o cuando existen condiciones angustiantes y necesita un poco de apoyo adicional, hay ayuda disponible. Cualquiera que tenga problemas de ansiedad, depresión, dolor y pérdida, transiciones de vida o una variedad de condiciones emocionales o psicológicas es bienvenido. Catholic Social Services acepta planes de Medicaid y algunos planes de seguro. La consejería se hace asequible para todos. Para obtener más información o para programar una cita, llame al (570) 207-2283.



This is a reminder that JMJ Catholic Radio has purchased WCOZ 91.7 New Albany and is broadcasting EWTN programing plus other programs of local Catholic interest.


Now you can access by local FM radio the programming of EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) with additional local Catholic programs.  Tune in  to WCOZ 91.7 New Albany.  This station is operated in cooperation with JMJ Catholic Radio of Pittston found at AM 750 and FM 98.9 and AM1490 in Hazelton.  JMJ Radio is a nonprofit corporation with a mission to bring the Good News to your home or car.  JMJ is supported by listener donations.   

For more information call, write or email 570-287-4670 JMJCatholic Radio P.O. Box 851 Pittston, PA 18640


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

My brothers and sisters in Christ
          I have been in the parish four months.
          Our parish is not very big and also not many young people.
          However I believe that God sends me here so that
          we would help one another to grow in faith and in charity.
          Thank you very much for giving me a good support
          for Pastoral works.
          I always remember that I am here not to be served
          but to serve. Help me to do so in the days to come.
          May the Lord, whose name is Emmanuel is always with you.
          Pray for one another
          Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
          With God’s blessing I remain!
Fr. Peter Tran


Tips From A Mom of 13 Tip #166

Tip #166     

“Teaching is what God wanted me to do. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a doctor. I was in pre-med at Penn State. Then God stepped in and changed my mind to education. He knew what he was doing. I’ve had over 1,000 children in my 45 years of teaching.”




His Excellency, the Most Reverend Joseph C. Bambera, D.D., J.C.L., Bishop of Scranton, and the Office for Parish Life wish to invite couples celebrating their 25th or 50th wedding anniversary in 2019 to a diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 30. The event includes a 2:30 pm mass at St. Peter’s Cathedral followed by a reception. Requests for an invitation, with a mailing address, should be made through your pastor before April 2.


Christmas Holy Days Mass Schedule


The Nativity of the Lord

A Holy Day of Obligation

Vigil Masses Christmas Eve Monday December 24

5:00 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church

8:00 pm St. Joachim Church

The Nativity of the Lord Tuesday December 25

9:00 am St. Joachim Church

11:00 am St Mary of the Assumption

Mary the Holy Mother of God

A Holy Day of Obligation

Vigil Mass Monday December 31

5:00 pm St. Mary of the Assumption Church

Solemnity Tuesday January 1, 2019

9:00 am St. Joachim Church

11:00 am St. Mary of the Assumption Church



Our Advent book this year is, Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons For Faith, Hope, And Love, provided by Ministry of Mercy Outreach.  Wouldn’t it be great to have a book to give non-Catholic or ex-Catholic friends and family to explain exactly why we believe what we believe? The good news is that now there is!  Why We’re Catholic is the groundbreaking new resource by apologist Trent Horn – that one, general book you can hand to anyone as a starting point for helping them find their way into, or back to, the practice of the Catholic Faith.  In a series of short, easy to read chapters, Trent covers the whole range of common topics, starting with why we believe in anything at all and answering all the common objections to the Catholic Faith—both doctrinal and moral.

Don’t miss out on the most important, life-changing book to come along in years!  Pick up your copy at church today!



All are welcome to a Christmas celebration sponsored by the Altar & Rosary and Holy Name Societies at St. Joachim’s Hall this Sunday, December 9. Festivities begin with the CCD student’s Christmas Pageant at 10:30. There will be food, children’s games, entertainment, and a visit from Santa. Come spend holiday time with your church family.
