“I am so proud of my pro-life
children. My oldest has 5 children, 1 grandchild and 1 on the way; the second
has four, and two foster children she adopted; he Third child is single; the
fourth, a son has four; the fifth, our third son, has 2; the sixth, a daughter
has 6 and 1 step-child; the seventh, a girl has 1 daughter’ our eighth child,
Allyn is an angel in heaven (just before his 17th birthday.); the
ninth has 3 and 1 step-child; the tenth and eleventh, both boys are single; the
twelfth has 1 boy (born 4 months pre-mature weighing 1 lb.-1oz) He is now 6 ½
years old’ and our thirteenth joy, a daughter, is single”.
“I have a favorite prayer which I’d love to share with you! For the love of Jesus and Mary and the relief of the holy souls. It may release many souls in purgatory.
Our 2nd
grade Sunday School Students will be making their first confession on Saturday,
January 26th before the 5:00 o’clock Mass. The students are: Portia
Kennedy, Griffin Sheldon, Maddy Phillips, Madison Ryan and Matthew Ryan.. Please keep them in your thoughts and
You! Mrs. Carr
Please celebrate and pray
for our First Holy Communicants at St. Mary’s who will complete their First
Reconciliation next Saturday. The
students have been studying and working very hard as they prepare for this
sacrament. May God bless them on this very special day!
Inclement Weather Policy for CCD – just a reminder to use discretion during inclement weather when deciding to attend CCD classes. Please do not attempt to travel on icy or snowy roads. CCD cancellations will be made early Sunday morning. Contact your child’s CCD instructor if you have any questions or are unable to attend class during inclement weather.
Brothers and Sisters, you are cordially invited to
celebrate Vietnamese New Year 2019, the Year of the Pig, on Sunday, February 3,
2019 at 12:00 Noon in St. Mary’s Hall.It is a good opportunity for all of us to
gather together for fellowship by sharing Vietnamese food. Don’t bring anything
to the Vietnamese New Year Celebration except yourselves with a joyful
heart! You are invited! — Fr. Peter Tran
The cold and flu season is upon us and in the news we also hear of a current flu epidemic in Pennsylvania alone. Also we have received directives and guidelines from the Diocese of Scranton. Therefore for everyone’s health safety reasons:
The distribution of the
Blood of Christ is suspended effective immediately until the Mass of the Lord’s
Supper on Holy Thursday. Church teaching states that Christ, whole and
entire, is received under either form of Holy
Also, if asked to assist in the
distribution of the Body of Christ, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
are instructed to insure that they wash their hands with soap and water before
Mass and even use a hand sanitizer if possible. Do not touch your eyes or your
mouth. When distributing the Body of
Christ you are instructed to try to avoid touching the tongue or the hands of
the communicant.
Parishioners are urged
but not required to consider receiving the Body of Christ in the hand instead
of on the tongue.
Additionally parishioners
are urged to use alternative methods to express the Sign of Peace rather
than a hand shake. i.e.( a nod, hand gesture, verbal expression etc.)
Parishioners are reminded that If they are sick, especially with flu-like symptoms, they
should stay home for their own well-being and that of others. If
parishioners are sick or suspect they are sick with a contagious illness, they
are not bound by the Sunday Mass obligation
Two new beautiful guardian angel statues adorn the corners behind the altar. They were graciously donated by Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Tina Poepperlingin loving memory of their beloved grandson Robert Cory Poepperling. Thank you for your wonderful kindness!
5th Annual Be A Man Conference The Theme is: What is Truth? In these difficult times, the world asks what Pontius Pilate asked 2000 years ago, What is Truth? The world thinks “Man is the measure of all things”. This conference will remind us that God is the measure of all things and His truth is revealed in His son Jesus Christ. Holy Mother Church is looking for good men that will fight for her in this battle to restore the holiness that too many men, lay and clergy alike have disregarded. This is a spiritual battle. This is a time to man up and stand not run away.
The Fifth Annual Catholic Men’s Conference for the Diocese of Scranton
will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019, from 8am to 3pm at Holy Redeemer High
School, 159 South Pennsylvania Ave. Wilkes Barre, PA 18701. Choosing this
location allowed us to move the event back to our April time slot. You
will be impressed by their auditorium and campus.
This will be a most important day for the future of our faith, our
families and our Church. Our fantastic lineup of speakers includes Fr.
Philip G. Bochanski, the executive director of Courage International who
will speak on how manly virtue involves living chaste lives, along with
well-known psychologist, speaker, and EWTN TV host, Dr. Ray Guarendi.
Our third speaker will be motivational speaker, apologist, and TV host of
“Battle Ready”, Doug Barry. You will hear Doug explain the BATTLE READY
effort to be more AWARE of, PREPARED for and ENGAGED in the battles that we all
face, body, mind and soul. Every one of us is in the thick of the spiritual
battle. Many do not see it and consequently are unprepared for it. The outcome
of that scenario is devastating. The primary goal of BATTLE READY is to help
others know how to deal with the attacks of the world, the flesh and the devil.
A must-see talk for all Catholic men!
There will be opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration, the celebration
of the Sacrament of Reconciliation as well as Rosary. Additionally, exhibitors
will be present with a full array of Catholic books and publications as well as
CDs and ministry opportunities.
Fathers, sons, grandsons and friends are all most welcome to register
for the event. Bishop Joseph C. Bambera will celebrate the closing Mass.
or mail the completed conference brochure application with your check
to Attn: Men’s Conference, Office for Parish Life, 330 Wyoming Ave,
Scranton, PA. 18503
The cost of the
conference is $40.00 regular, $30 for early birds(until 4/1/19), and $15 for
Students. Priests and Deacons are free.
Consider becoming an individual sponsor. For a donation of $130,
you register yourself, get your name printed in the program as a sponsor and
get a sponsor ticket to invite someone that you wish to share the experience
with. The extra money will help us pay for the Conference.
We need volunteers to spread the word in your parish and with men’s
groups in the Diocese. If you are willing to help, please call me or
email me [email protected]
Expect to hear more from us as we roll out the details of this
year’s conference.
The following thank you note was received by Yvonne
Kelly, elementary guidance counselor, and forwarded to the Ministry of Mercy in
thanksgiving for the gifts this family received from our parish:
“Thank you so much for making my children’s
Christmas a great one! Your thoughtfulness is really
God bless you all for making so many little ones