will burn in loving memory
throughout the entire month for
March 2020
St. Mary’s –Jim Harris
St. Joachim –Collin Burton
Please remember them in your prayers
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish
A Parish of the Diocese of Scranton
will burn in loving memory
throughout the entire month for
March 2020
St. Mary’s –Jim Harris
St. Joachim –Collin Burton
Please remember them in your prayers
The 10 Minute Lenten Club has resumed on Monday, March 2nd.
St. Mary’s Church is open from 8 AM to 5 PM. Please stop by
and enjoy some quiet time with Our Lord in the real presence of Jesus
in the tabernacle.
Eucharistic Adoration Every Tuesday,
12:30 to 2 PM at St. Mary’s and will
continue throughout the season of Lent
It’s that time! Time to start planning what kind of
basket to donate to OLPH Parish Picnic.
A few suggested themes:
Kids─Relaxation─Groceries─Gift Cards─Games……
Watch for due date to be announced in the bulletin.
Sunday, March 22nd
2pm Wyalusing 4pm Dushore
Sunday, March 29th
2pm Canton 4pm Towanda
Sunday, April 5th
3pm Sayre
Fridays during Lent
12:15 pm St. Joachim
6:30 pm St. Mary’s
The Ministry of Mercy is pleased to announce accessibility to a wonderful online resources called FORMED. FORMED is an online resource that helps you learn and enjoy your faith every day by offering different digital formats for you to Study, Watch, Listen, and Read. There are several video series for Bible study, movies, podcasts, and a virtual library of ebooks. There are also resources in Spanish and for children.
FORMED is accessible on a personal computer, tablet, or as an app on any smart phone. Signing up is free, but you must have an email account. Go the website: or search for See bulletin for Sunday Sept. 8th
or call the parish office for the Code you need to enter in the Get Started section. Informational fliers have been placed in St. Mary’s and in the education building at St. Joachim’s. Yellow cards with the FORMED website login information and parish code are posted with the fliers. Please take one home with you!
Bible Study will begin the evening of Monday, September 9 at the St. Mary’s parish office. We will be studying the Gospel of Mark utilizing the FORMED study guide. Going to miss a Bible study class or unable to attend Bible study in person? Follow along on the FORMED website under the Study section: Lectio Mark! There are 14 video sessions that run only about 30 minutes each about St. Mark the Evangelist.
This free gift to the Parish has been made available by the Ministry of Mercy who would like to thank Father Peter for supporting and encouraging this new resource! If you have any questions or have any feedback, please contact Robyn Kennedy through the Parish office.
TITULUS CRUCIS is the name for the sign that was nailed above Jesus on the cross. Another engaging talk will be given by Alex Piechokie about the sign at the top of the cross. If you went to Alex’s previous talk on the Shroud of Turin, you know it will be another great evening. The talk will be held Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm in St. Mary’s Hall. Light refreshments will be served.
This year’s Back Pack Program is in Full swing. Your one time gift of $60.00 dollars
one child every weekend for an entire year!
The program sends a child in the Wyalusing School District home
with a back-pack every week filled with food for an entire weekend! In our
community, you would think there is not that much need for this sort of
program. Yet the fact is that last year 225 students took advantage of the
program! We cannot feed the entire world but we can help wipe out
hunger in our own back yard. All it takes is people who care.
Please make checks payable to “Helping Hands Food Pantry”
Please put “back-pack program” in the memo section.
You can mail in your check to:
Helping Hands Food Pantry
P.O.Box 233
Wyalusing PA 18853.
Or you may drop it off at the Food
Pantry directly located at 137 Main St. Wyalusing. The pantry is open Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Phone 570.746.1384
This week the pantry needs Pancake Mix and Mayonnaise.
The Pantry is also asking all gardeners to bring over any extra produce from
their gardens they may have, whether fruit or vegetables. Cucumbers, tomatoes,
potatoes etc. Whatever you have.
donations are appreciated
Religious education classes will begin September 15. Classes at St. Joachim’s will start after Mass on Sundays at 10am in the education building. Classes at St. Mary’s will start before Sunday Mass at 9:30am in the Parish hall. All CCD students are required to complete a registration form each year. Hard copies will be made available in both churches. Please return registration forms to the Parish office (Attn: Robyn Kennedy) or put the form in an envelope addressed to Robyn’s attention and place in the collection basket by September 15. Please consider financially supporting our program with the yellow Religious Education envelope dated September 8 in membership boxes. Any questions, please contact Robyn Kennedy through the Parish office. Download a printable CCD Registration form here.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHERS NEEDED Do you like working with children? Would you like to share your talents teaching our CCD students? St. Mary’s and St. Joachim’s churches are looking for teachers to share their gifts with our youth on Sunday mornings beginning in September. Classes typically conclude the end of April with no classes being held on major holiday weekends. We encourage you to consider giving your time even on a part time or as needed basis! Assistance for all paperwork will be handled by Robyn Kennedy. Please contact Robyn at 717-385-2985 or any CCD instructor for further information.