Diocese of Scranton Liturgical Guidelines for the Gradual Re-Opening
of Public Mass Celebrations
No parishioner should expect to attend Mass on a daily or regular basis
The obligation to attend Mass remains suspended Public
Mass for St. Joachim will be no earlier than June 1, 2020
(Limited to 25 people attending – Must wear a mask – Two people for one pew – Use hand sanitizer – Maintain Social Distancing including line for Communion –Communion by hand. Communion takes place at the end of Mass before departure. Do not return to pew after receiving Communion; everyone exit the church right away, No Hymnals and missalettes from the pews, no need for choirs to participate – Simple procession at the beginning of Mass, just priest carries the crucifix from the back – no altar servers – no gift bearing – short readings, brief homilies…. The duration of Mass should be shortened – No bulletin provided -No collection will be taken up please use baskets provided at the entrances to the church.)
Schedule for Weekday Mass
Mon. May 18 to Thurs. May 21 12:00 noon St. Mary Church Fri. May 22 and 29 12:15 PM St. Mary for people from St. Joachim
Sat. May 23 7:30 AM St. Mary
Afterwards Weekday Mass schedule will be the same for the whole year
Temporary Schedule for Weekend Mass
Sat. May 23 Vigil Mass 5:00 PM St. Mary Church
Sat. May 23 &30 Vigil Mass 7:00 PM St. Mary for St. Joachim people
Sun.May 24&31 Sunday Mass 9:00 AM St. Mary for St. Joachim people
Sun.May 24 Sunday Mass 11:00 AM St. Mary Church
Weekend Mass schedule will go back to previous schedule at the time of full re-opening
Sacraments of Matrimony – of Baptism (Only one child at a time) – of funerals : 25 people and all wear mask Sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation will be postponed until the time of full re-opening
Given by Bishop Joseph Bambera
Please remember:
1/ the 25 person limit per Mass
2/ Masks must be worn
3/ Please use hand sanitizer
4/ Please maintain social distancing -2 persons per pew and maintain distance in Communion line
5/ No sign of Peace
6/ Communion will take place at the end of Mass. Everyone receives Communion and do not return to their pew but continue out the exit door and go home. Everyone is asked to receive Communion in the hand
7/ No collection will take place/. Please use the baskets provided at the entrances.
Diocese of Scranton COVID-19 Guidance for Yellow Phase (view .pdf)
Divine Mercy–A Song by Fr. Peter
- Sixth Sunday of Easter May 17, 2020
- Fifth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2020
- Fourth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2020
- Third Sunday of Easter April 26, 2020
- Second Sunday of Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday April 19, 2020
- Easter Sunday Mass During the Day April 12, 2020
- Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass April 11, 2020
- Good Friday Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion April 10, 2020
- Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper April 9, 2020
- Stations of the Cross With Mary for Holy Week Tuesday, April 7, 2020
- Palm Sunday Mass April 6, 2020
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Stations of the Cross Friday, April 3, 2020
- Fifth Sunday of Lent Mass Sunday, March 29, 2020
Update, Friday April 3, 2020
A new video was uploaded today. “Our Lady of Perpetual Help Stations of the Cross Friday, April 3, 2020 it is here on our parish video page. Also, our Parish now has its own youtube channel which you can subscribe to. The name of it is of course, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Wyalusing PA . You can find it here There is only one video at the moment. Holy Week Masses will be uploaded to that channel and will also be imbeded in our parish video page on this website as well as on our facebook page. So you have multiple viewing options
Update March 31, 2020
Bishop Bambera issued a new update Monday, March 31, 2020. A couple of notable changes are: First, that distribution of palms on Palm Sunday is prohibited. (We regret any confusion regarding this up to now) Secondly, there will be no Adoration by the faithful following the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. There are also changes concerning celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Funerals, Weddings, Reconciliation and Annointing. All parishioners are urged to read the details of these changes/update. You may read the latest update by Bishop Bambera for Holy Week dated March 30th, 2020 here.
Updates (2) March 27th, 2020
Fr. Peter has begun videotaping his daily private Masses and is currently posting them on Youtube. He graciously will be taping Masses for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday Liturgy, Holy Saturday and Easter. The Masses will be posted as they are received and can be found here
For those among us who would rather not venture out as much as possible during this pandemic, everyone now has the opportunity to support Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish through Online Giving. Given the demographics of our parish, it was determined that purchasing and setting up our own online giving program was simply not cost effective at this time. The Diocese of Scranton has thankfully created a free opportunity for all parishes of the diocese to have this alternative source for receiving donations It works very simply and much the same way as any online subscription or purchase. The Diocese of Scranton has set up a giving page for all parishes in the diocese. or simply go to the Diocese of Scranton website and look for the link titled “Support Your Parish” prominently displayed on the right side of the page. Once on the giving page, fill out your information and select Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Wyalusing (listed near the bottom of the menu) from the dropdown menu. The diocese will issue checks bi-weekly to each parish as the contributions come in. The diocese keeps none of the money and makes no money from this program. All of the funds donated goes to each individual parish. This is simply an effort from the diocese to assist parishes to provide their parishioners with an alternative method of making contributions to support their parish. Please see Bishop Bambera’s message below in Support of Parishes.
Updates March 25th, 2020
Fr. Peter has installed a locked mailbox next to the parking lot entrance to the parish office. So if you happen to be coming through town, or prefer not to mail your offering envelopes, you may drop them off in the locked box. Just come up the ramp and you will see it.
Bishop Bambera has granted a dispensation from the obligation to abstain from meat for this Friday, March 27, 2020 and next Friday, April 4, 2020. The obligation of fasting and abstinence still applies on Good Friday, April 10, 2020.
**IMPORTANT :Please see the link at the bottom of the page titled “Bishop’s Letter to the Faithful, March 25th , 2020”
Notices, Articles or News You Would Like to Share with Parishioners
If you have news or update for an event or ministry etc. and would like it posted on this website, either email or phone the office and it will be posted in the Blog section of this website
Update Bishop Bambera , Friday March 20, 2020
Today Bishop Bambera mandated that all parish offices be closed to public access until further notice. And that all employees work from home as much as possible. If you have need of parish services or have an emergency, please call the office phone number 570-746-1006.
Update Parish Office Closed to Public Access March 20, 2020
After revisiting Bishop Bambera’s letter dated March 17, thus following his example and strong recommendation concerning parish office closings, and taking consideration of Governor Wolf’s mandated closing of more businesses on March 19th. It has been decided to close the parish office from public access until further notice. If you have business to conduct with the parish or have an emergency such as funeral related or Anointing of the Sick , a need for Confession etc. Please call the parish office and your needs will be attended to. Most normal parish business can be handled over the phone, email or postal mail for the time being. St. Mary’s church remains open daily for private personal prayer.
A reminder that Father Peter will continue to celebrate a daily private Mass and is accepting new Mass Intention Requests. Previously scheduled Mass Intention Requests are being honored at his private Masses.
Effective immediately March 16th, the following applies until further notice:
- All public Masses, both Weekday and Weekend/Sunday Masses are suspended.
- Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals already scheduled may take place however it is requested that only family members attend. (see Bishop Bambera’s letter below).
- Individual private Confessions may take place upon request. Please call the parish office or Fr. Peter directly to schedule
- All parish activities and events are canceled until further notice. this includes CCD Religious Ed. Classes and Deanery Lenten Penance Services, Stations of the Cross, etc.
- The parish office will be open two days per week. The office will be open from 9 :00 am until 1:00 pm on Mondays and Fridays only. If you need assistance of any type at other times, (forms, Mass cards or whatever.) please call the parish office, the phone will be monitored and your call will either be answered or leave a message and your call will be promptly returned. If the office is closed, I can meet you at the office if need be.
- Additionally, the parish email [email protected] will be monitored a few times a day. I will return your emails promptly. If anyone in the parish has a current parish email list, I would like to have a copy please.
- All previously scheduled Mass intentions will be fulfilled by Fr. Peter at one of his daily private Masses. Fr. Peter is inviting all new Mass intention requests. Again, please call the office if you would like to schedule one.
- Holy Week and Easter liturgies have not been determined yet.
- If you would like to continue contributing to the parish through your parish envelopes on a regular basis, it would greatly be appreciated. Closed or open the bills still continue, phone, electric, heat, copier leases, diocesan assessments, repairs, cemetery care etc etc. Please mail them in or drop them off at the office when it is open.
- St. Mary’s will be open daily for individual private prayer.
- This page will be updated as soon as any news is received or information needs to be posted. If anyone needs to post anything here, contact me.
- Parish Bulletins will not be published indefinitely. Please navigate here for any news or updates
- Above all, we need to stay together, support one another, pray for one another (especially the sick and homebound)
- To quote Fr. Peter, “We have to pray hard for the parish because with this situation our parish may not be able to last long.”
Rich Bedard Secretary
Bishop Bambera Message for Holy Week dated March 30th, 2020 Bishop Bambera’s Letter to the Faithful March 25th, 2020 Spanish Version
Diocese of Scranton Corona Virus Update Monday, March 23, 2020
Bishop Bambera’s Video Address to the Faithful March 17, 2020
Bishop Bambera’s Message to the Faithful March 17, 2020
Letter to the Faithful-Suspension of Public Masses, Monday, March 16, 2020
Diocese of Scranton Coronavirus Update March 13, 2020